Complacency In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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In the excerpt “He Got Game” there is a couple parts where the speaker shows “Complacency.” Complacency is showing a “not caring” attitude. We can relate the speaker's complacency back to George Orwell's Animal Farm. One example of complacency is “He Got Game” is the first three lines. It states, “Everything’s approved/ People used/ Even murders excused/” This part of the poem can relate back to the part in Animal Farm where Napoleon basically murders his hardest worker, Boxer. Napoleon sold Boxer to a slaughterhouse. All the animals on the farm question this move of Napoleon, but none the animals cared enough to speak up. In the third stanza of “He Got Game” it sates, There's a man with a gun over there/ Yeah that's right HA HA/ Telling

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