Competitive Intelligence Case Study

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It 's Best to Keep your Customers Close and your Competitors Closer!
Get to know your competition. Know thy enemy. It is not uncommon for the online competition to be different from the brick-and-mortar competition. We believe that competitive intelligence (CI) should have a single-minded objective -- to develop the strategies and tactics necessary to transfer market share profitably and consistently from specific competitors to our clients. CI can help position a business to maximize the value of the capabilities that distinguish it from its competitors. A company that does not monitor and analyze their primary competitors will be at a disadvantage leaving its markets vulnerable. One writer philosopher once said that in order for you to be competitive and even rise above the pack, you need to know your competition and what they 're doing to be different. When you do, you 'll surely be able to create tactics that will make you stand out and hence, make a difference in your market share. I suppose you think that the business community is very hard to be a part of because you 're always competing and trying to outdo each other. Believe it or not, business is not about that. On the contrary, it 's not a blood bath all the time. In fact, business owners and marketers do it in a more classy and comfortable arena where …show more content…

When you do find your answers, be sure to include every factor that can contribute to your success – your products and services, your operating method, your unique company qualities and customer service attitude, your values, etc. Whatever you learned from your competitive analysis can definitely help you create powerful marketing campaigns that will help you more effectively sell your products and services to your target

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