Competitive Gaming As A Career?

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What do you think of competitive gaming as a career? For myself, I think of it as the next major competition, on a par with football or basketball, and would gladly jump at the opportunity given the chances, but for others the thought would be considered laughable. For many male gamers, competitive gaming as a career is something that they have thought about at least once in their lives, it’s the ultimate dream of most gamers – getting paid to play video games. For female gamers, however, it is a bit harder to imagine such a career and there are plenty of good reasons why females don’t generally take up competitive gaming as a career. In A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf, Woolf invents Judith, an imaginative, and genius sister to William Shakespeare, and described how the sexist and oppressive Elizabethan Era would treat someone like her. It did not go well for Judith. Sexism today is nowhere as bad compared to the Elizabethan Era, but it is still a prominent problem in the competitive gaming scene. Sexism aside, there are many obstacles that needed to be climbed before female gamers, competitive as well as casual, are taken seriously in the eyes of the community and the general public. For female gamers to have a chance at pursuing competitive gaming as a career, the gaming community have to get rid of the notion that gaming is a male-only activity, the stereotypes surrounding female gamers, and the usage of their gender to pave their way into competitive play.
There is a huge difference in how male gamers and female gamers are seen an treated by the community. Gaming, as seen by society, is something that identifies itself with males, and with good reason, video games were originally marketed to males and has been for deca...

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...stroy the other team’s throne. Team Siren prides itself as the first all female League of Legends team, but was forced to disband just about a month after the team was created. The team disbanding was not due to sexism or lack of an opportunity, it was simply due to the team’s bad manner and poor performance. In sports, as well as competitive gaming, people watch the game to see a high level of play, males or females, it’s all about the performance. When Team Siren as well as any other female/male teams and gamers who sacrifice talent in order to have a chance at a quick cash grab, the competitive gaming community shows that their gimmicks wouldn’t last more than their allotted 15 minutes of fame. And that’s more or less the point of competitive gaming, the playing field is even, there’s no advantages or handicaps, no matter your gender, religious belief or race.

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