Comparison of Two Essays About the Issue of Obesity

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Within the city limits of Dallas, Texas, two different life scenarios are being lived out. On the outskirts of downtown Dallas, in what is often referred to as the ghetto, many adults and children struggle to receive their daily nutritional needs. Low-income families cannot always afford healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In order to obtain some nutrition and meet their daily calorie intake, they are forced to consume hyperprocessed food that are healthy for one’s wallet, but not for their body. In place of fruit juices and milk, these low-income families are forced to drink sugary beverages that are conveniently sold at almost every store at a relatively cheap price. On the other hand, many families have sufficient funding, but choose to consumer unhealthy foods. These people have every opportunity to eat nutritionally rich foods and avoid junk food and sugary drinks, but they choose to use their freedom to do just the opposite. In the articles “Bad Food? Tax It, and Subsidize Vegetables” by Mark Bittman and “Free to Be Fat” by Richard B. McKenzie, these two ideas are discussed in more depth. The essay “Bad Food? Tax It, and Subsidize Vegetables” largely focuses on the effects of hyperprocessed foods on the body and its solution, while “Free to Be Fat” points out that our individual freedom in America plays a key role in today’s obesity problem. In the two articles, both Bittman and McKenzie utilize logos as a way to appeal to their audience; however, the articles differ in the way they use diction and tone.
Bittman uses logos to appeal to the audience’s reasoning and support his solution. In the paper “Bad Food? Tax It, and Subsidize Vegetables,” Bittman employs statistics and studies to help justify hi...

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...d,” (Bittman). Bittman uses these statistics to show how hyperprocessed foods and sugary beverages have impacts America. Since the percentage of obese individuals continuously rises, Bittman believes that the government should step in and protect the health of individuals by establishing a new tax on junk food. People sense the urgency within Bittman’s article, since he believes it is time for the government to step in. Throughout history people have always wanted to limit the control of the government and only sought their help in dire situations; therefore, if the government is becoming involved in the weight gain problem, it must be a big problem.

Work Cited:
McKenzie, Richard B. "Free to Be Fat." The Daily Beast. N.p., 23 Nov. 2011. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.
Bittman, Mark. "Bad Food? Tax It." The New York Times. The New York Times, 23 July 2011. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.

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