Comparison: Why Leaders Bad Decision-Making?

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Leaders’ Bad Decision-Making Everyone makes at least one decision in their lifetime and it’s not always a good choice or decision. Some are small, domestic, and innocuous. Others are more important, affecting people’s lives, livelihoods, and well-being. Many of the simple decisions people make like what color pants they will wear today or whether or not they want spaghetti for dinner, etc. are often automatic or based on their preference at a given moment. Inevitably, we make mistakes along the way. So as you look back at your life and think about some of the poor choices you have made, you might find yourself wondering exactly why you made those decisions that seem so poor now in retrospect. Why did you marry someone who was all wrong for …show more content…

Dan Gilbert had a wonderful talk about this issue: “What makes this dynamic inconsistency happen? Comparison. Troubling comparison.” In the same view, Penn State University also show that many decisions in life cause a feeling of dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is defined as conflicting attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors (McLeod, 2014). In the cognitive dissonance theory we have a drive to keep our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in harmony and avoid dissonance (Festinger, 1957). Moreover, Harvard Business Review stated that there’s some psychological reason for these decisions-making (Andrew Campbell, Jo Whitehead and Sydney Finkelstein, 2009): Pattern recognition, Emotional tagging is two main reason which can make a good leader makes bad decision. Besides, nine habits were considered as the possible reason why leaders make bad decisions: laziness, not anticipating unexpected events, indecisiveness, remaining locked in the past, having no strategic alignment, over-dependence, isolation, lack of technical depth and failure to communicate the what, where, when, and how associated with their decisions (Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman, 2014). These terrible reason keep distracting leaders from going their right way, make their right

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