Comparison Of The Pequot War And King Phillip's War

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In the “Pequot War and King Philip’s War, Both of these are in response to English settlement and expansion, taking of Native American territory, resources, and people. The Pequot war, in 1637, was more of a massacre than a war. Massachusetts Bay Colonists used the neighboring Narraganset Indians to systematically slaughter the Pequots who were living on land they wanted. Those Pequots that were left were sold into slavery and sent to the English colony of Bermuda” (Griffin, PP11, 9/3/15). In King Phillip’s war, “the massacre is started by the Indians. 3 Wampanoags were charged with the murder of an Englishman. This is false, but the Indians are blamed. A group of Indians led by a man who called himself King Philip fought back and started killing …show more content…

US massacre, give disease, take land without restitution. French do not take as much land because they are operating mainly as fur Traders; shower Indians with gifts of French goods; marry Indian women rather than just rape and abuse them, although there is some of that going on. Not uncommon, however, for a Frenchman to have 2 families, one in France and one in America; provide for their children and wives; educate children in French schools when possible. The French and the Indians become Allies.” (Griffin, PP11, 9/14/15). In King William’s war during 1689 to 1697, “Colonists fighting with the French and Indians over the Hudson Bay area and Mass Bay Area” (Griffin, PP13, 9/14/15). In Queen Anne’s war during 1702 to 1713, “French and Spanish decide to be friends and team up against England. The Indians fight with French in New England, South Carolina, and Florida” (Griffin, PP14, 9/14/15). In the Tuscarora war during 1711 to 1713, “North Carolina and South Carolina colonists against a group of Indians called the Tuscarora Indians. North Carolina colonists are starting to move into Tuscarora land and the Indians fight back. South Carolina calls in their Indian allies to fight and the Tuscaroras are defeated. Those that aren’t killed are enslaved. England gets Hudson Bay area, some of Canada (Newfoundland and Nova Scotia), the island of St. Christopher in the Caribbean, and the French …show more content…

“Pontiac, chief of the Ottawa Indians, is trying to take Detroit, and the neighboring Indian groups join in and help. They have become disenchanted with the French, plus the French aren’t really there anymore. They hate the English. They want their land back. Starting to succeed and the British negotiate and reach a settlement. In order to keep Pontiac happy, no settlement allowed in the Frontier region. An imaginary line is drawn down the Appalachian Mountains, colonist cannot cross it. This doesn’t last long, in 1768 & 1770, Colonists work with the Iroquois and Cherokee and succeed in pushing back the line and send in surveyors. Colonists begin to settle. So, despite this line, colonists push west anyway” (Griffin, PP4, 9/16/15). During the Revolutionary War, “Native Americans fought for both sides, but mostly for the British, thought they stood to be treated more fairly by British than colonists. Those that fought against the colonists were specifically targeted to be destroyed during battles. There were no Native American representatives at the treaty meetings at the end of the war” (Griffin, PP8, 9/21/15). Even the Native American’s thought of their women, because they believed “an American victory would have tragic consequences: their social roles would be dramatically changed and their power within their communities diminished” (Berkin,

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