Comparison Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

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The story of “Sir Gawain and The Green Knight” involves many games and challenges between two antagonistic competitors. Gawain is perceived as the hero who is loyal, honest, and brave. While our villain the Green Knight is a mysterious foreboding figure with cruel intentions. When analyzing these two main characters we see that first impressions are not always factual and how the challenges these competitors faced though out the story has truly affected them. Resulting in them not only to change but reveal their true self. In the beginning of this epic tale, we are introduced to one of our main characters Gawain. In the castle ruled by King Anther he is not only a part of the royal family by blood but a knight. By Gawain upholding such …show more content…

At this time the leaves are falling and winter is right around the corner. Thus, our noble knight would have to endure the worse weather while traveling in search for the Green Chapel. This, itself, shows his perseverance. Gawain is also dedicated. He encountered a challenged that he plans to face head on even when he has the choice not too. The Green Knight requested that Gawain leaves his home to find him before the year ends. Meaning that it was his choice. “You must solemnly swear that you’ll seek me yourself; that you’ll search me out to the ends of the earth” (394-396). He did not threaten Gawain in any, instead, he uses temptation against him. Gawain is known to be a loyal man that will keep his word. If he were to break the promise he made with the green knight he then would put his own reputation at risk. Ensuing him to keep his promise by leaving Arthur’s court and never turn …show more content…

The host proposes a game that not only questions how courteous and well-mannered he is but his honesty and restraint to temptation. The challenge is a game of sorts: while the lord goes hunting with his men Gawain will stay at the castle and spend time with the two ladies. At the end of each day, the two men will exchange what they received during the day. Gawain decides to accept the challenge for an interchange of the lord giving him directions to the Green Chapel. This game last three days are broken into three separate scenes of the host’s wife trying to seduce Gawain. On the first day, Gawain receives one kiss, on the second day he receives two kisses. At the end of each day, he gives the lord what he received throughout the day. This proves to us the readers how honest Gawain truly is by him keeping his promise to the lord. While this scene also contradicts our previous assumption about his courtesy by him being able to resist temptation even when the host’s wife began questioning Gawain’s

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