Comparison Of Puck And Bottom In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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When one reads Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, it becomes obvious to him/her that two of the play’s strongest and most important characters are Bottom, the weaver-turned-aspiring actor who is eventually transformed into a donkey, and Puck, a whimsical, and often mischievous, fairy who takes a central role in the story’s events. Because of Puck’s involvement in major turning points of the play, it can easily be argued that he is the protagonist. Puck’s spirit dominates every facet of Midsummer’s personality, demonstrating the comedic nature of Shakespeare’s writing and handling, lightheartedly, the otherwise serious ideas of love and marriage. In addition to this, a comparison of Puck and Bottom reveals the differences in how they contribute to the play as a comedy, with the fairy causing many of the amusing events of the story, and the weaver reacting to many events of the play in ways that are often outlandish or ridiculous.

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Bottom, on the other hand, makes for a weaker choice for the protagonist because his path in life is shaped by others’ actions (rather than his own), such as when Puck turns Bottom into a donkey and the weaver simply decides that he is fine living with Titania for the rest of his life. It is this passiveness, which is not seen in Puck, that makes Bottom (despite often stealing the show) the less important character. Additionally, Puck exemplifies the qualities of a powerful protagonist by guiding the audience through the play (and eventually ending it) through a few wall-breaking moments, which,

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