Comparison Of Love And Time Travel In Vonnegut's Time Travel

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Contradictory to the common trend of poorly affected relationships, in some cases, things do look up. Although Billy Pilgrim is indeed a married man, Vonnegut expresses very little information about love and his marriage. The readers are aware of the dark humour Vonnegut uses to demonstrate Billy’s opinions on his very average wife, so it is no surprise when Billy engages in a brief affair with another woman during his travels to the planet Tralfamadore. Montana Wildhack is a famous actress who is also put on display with Billy at the zoo as foreign specimen. Montana joins the earthling exhibit with Billy and, by nature she is initially very frightened and uncomfortable. Billy does his best to calm and reassure Montana because he understands what she is going through. After a short period of time, they begin to grow more comfortable with each other as Vonnegut explains, “In time, Montana came to love and trust Billy Pilgrim.” (Vonnegut 133). Out of all of Billy’s relationships, existing and new, Montana’s was the exception to all the others that were negatively impacted by his time travel. Although at first they were purely strangers to each other, they bonded over the connection of becoming subjects of the Tralfamadorian life. In comparison to Billy’s other relationships and the repercussions his time travel has on …show more content…

Within Slaughterhouse- Five, and The Time Traveler’s Wife, time travel portrays how relationships with family members, and bystanders are weakened, as well as the exceptions which are strengthened. The main conflicts in both men’s lives are predicated on the same idea, although the mechanisms used to survive and their respective outcomes, are quite individual. A life comparable to either one would indeed be interesting while also bearing many perils and

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