Comparison Of Into The Wild And Deliverance

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The movies Into The Wild and Deliverance both are about a group of people or person going out into the wilderness. One of the movies, Deliverance is about four men: Bobby, Drew, Ed, and Lewis, who canoed a river before it would be drained. They wanted to canoe the river since everyone but Drew had no experience with nature and they wanted to know what the experiencing nature would be like. Throughout their journey, they overcame obstacles like, the weather, the river, and even other people. In addition, the journey led to interesting actions made by a character that will seem surprising. Into the wild is about a young man, Chris McCandless, and his journey to the wilderness of Alaska’s Denali national forest. Chris reason for his journey is …show more content…

Ed made a choice to attempt to kill the man that killed Drew. When he actually killed the man, I was shocked by that. In the beginning of the movie, While Ed was hunting, he can across a deer and had a chance at the deer but did not take It. For whatever reason Ed could not bring himself to shoot the deer. There was never a moment up until the kill that Ed would do something like that. He is the type of person to let someone else develop a plan and he would follow it. The sudden change in Ed’s character reveals that wilderness can have a major impact on a person. The purpose of wilderness in Deliverance is to show what it can do to people. It could be in a positive or negative way. Change is not always positive. Although, Ed killing the man was a positive change. That moment was the first time and few times in the movie when Ed stepped up and actually did something that helped the group. The effect the wilderness it can have on a person, especially Ed can be life changing. This could have been an act of anger or Ed believed it was the right action. Ed killing the man could be symbolic in that all it takes is one action to change to a person for better or for worse. It does not need to be as drastic or sudden like Ed’s was, but enough for that light-bulb moment to happen. The wilderness in Deliverance is built for character change to happen for people similar to Ed. The wilderness in …show more content…

In deliverance, we saw Ed do something that we never thought he could do when he killed the man. It reveals that wilderness has the ability to change the way a person behaves and how much of an impact that can give have. In Into The Wild, we saw Chris travel across the country, met new people, create short-term friendships and battle the Alaskan wilderness. Where he learned just before his death that happiness is only real when shared. Being alone for three months, made him realize that you would need other people to have real happiness. That is the opposite of Chris’s original thinking. The wilderness has the power to change a person’s view on life. One common theme that is shared between both films is that the wilderness can be an unforgiving place. For example, Drew dies in deliverance, Lewis breaks his leg, and Bobby is raped. In addition, Chris eats poisonous berries and has difficulty finding food. These moments show that the wilderness does not care about you and that sometimes nature can overpower humankind. The river in both films proved to be a problem. In deliverance, the four men canoed a challenging river for three days. In Into the Wild, the river was a roadblock for Chris to return home. The river is symbolic of nature in that sometimes no matter how much effort you put in, nature always

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