Comparison Of 500 Days Of Summer And Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

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At first glance, 500 Days of Summer and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World may seem like two completely different films. However, once could also say that these films are very similar. The title 500 Days of Summer is significant because the title uses the word summer as a name, not the season. The nonlinear story is told by showing Tom Hansen’s 500 days that he had known Summer, the girl of his dreams. The title Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is significant to the story. In order for Scott to date the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers, he has to defeat her seven evil ex-lovers. Seven evil ex-lovers doesn’t sound like he has to face the whole world. However, the ex-lovers aren’t the only things that Scott has to fight in order to be with Ramona. He …show more content…

The major theme in this film besides gaming is the importance of self-confidence. Scott Pilgrim is the occasional Michael Cera, meaning that in this film he’s an insecure, quiet, and socially awkward young man who seems to have no purpose. The only things that keep him from completely shutting out the world are his band and Knives, his high school girlfriend. That is until he meets Ramona. Ramona is way out of Scott’s league, and he knows it. However this doesn’t stop Scott from trying his heart out to get her. After a few awkward conversations and situations, Ramona gives Scott a chance. Just as Scott thinks that he has a chance with her, Ramona tells him that he must defeat her seven evil ex-lovers if he wants to date her. As Scott encounters each ex, his belief that he is not good enough for her shrinks after each ex is defeated. His confidence in himself is boosted almost to the maximum after defeating most of the exes, that is until Ramona’s last ex controls her mind in order for her to break up with Scott, but he thought it was Ramona’s decision. The point that the screenwriters were trying to make is that self-confidence is the only way one can goals that seem to be …show more content…

They offered way more than an ordinary love story. 500 Days of Summer had a cool nonlinear way of telling the story by switching up the days. The film also had a fun style, with a narrator popping in every once in awhile and some scenes that don’t really make any sense but they add a flare to the film which most romantic films lack. The style is also the reason why I loved Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. The film is made to feel and look like a video game, simple as that. Split screens, sound effects, and points displayed on the screen are all elements of this film that make it so special. I’ve never seen another film so unique and visually amazing to watch. However, the visuals are not the only plus. The story, as bizarre as it sounds, it very well told thanks to Edgar Wright’s phenomenal direction. The characters are very well written, the comedy hits hard, and the video game vibe that the film gives off. The final scene in the film feels just like a boss battle at the end of a level in a video game. Both of these films have amazing storytelling with great elements that make the film

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