Comparison Essay On Patriotic Icons

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Patriotic Icons Every country has icons that specify objects that represent beliefs, values, or tradition that make that country unique. As the United States of America has many such as, Statue of Liberty and the American Flag. Yasmin Sabina Khan shows in her book "Enlightening the World: The Creation of the Statue of Liberty” why the Statue of Liberty was built, how each part of the statue describes everything and how it represents U.S today. In “Capture The Flag: The Stars And Stripes In American History”, Scot M Guenter talks about how the American flag is seen everywhere and how the flag has remained strong throughout many incidents. In the Barbara Kingsolver essay “And Our Flag Was Still There”, she writes about the meaning of the American flag and how it represents our country in different ways. And at last, Dave Barry shows us in his “Red, White and Beer”, the strong effects that patriotism can have on the sales and advertising of products. All of these icons …show more content…

Kingsolver said that patriotism should not be close minded and war thirsty, as people always think that the American flag and many other icons came from the war we fought with other countries. “When I took at the flag, I see it illuminated by the rocket’s red glare” (Kingsolver 74). Kingsolver explains that the flag is the celebration of the country; it represents the freedom and respect of one’s country. In other hand, Barry talks about how commercials, advertisements, newspapers, etc. are great ways to spread patriotism in the world. Barry states in his essay, how patriotic brands of beer commercials are great ways to meet each other, therefore; whoever drinks the patriotic beer are strong men. “One wants to know about the true patriotism, one has to talk about beer commercials” (Barry 77). Barry explains the strong effects that patriotism can have for their country, and how they support their country by buying these

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