Comparison Between Siddharta And The Catcher In The Rye

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Jason Litt Ms. Grgas World Literature and Analysis-1 23-January-2013 Culmination Journal: Siddhartha and The Catcher in the Rye Siddhartha walks into the local Starbucks where he is meeting up with an old friend, Holden Caulfield. Holden: Yo Sidd, it’s about time you showed up here. I’ve been waiting for only a half-hour. Siddhartha: Sorry about that. I don’t believe in using fuel-powered vehicles. I like to enjoy the nature, and also in order to protect nature I walk, which is how I got here. Holden: What drink do you want to get Sidd the legend? Siddhartha: Well, I think I’m going to go with the Calm Brewed Tea. How could I resist? It is just so pure and from the Earth I can’t go against the natural environment for some of that “phony stuff” like you always say Holden. What about you? Holden: Every day since I was a kid I’ve gotten the Caramel Apple Spice. It helps me stay awake and alert all day so I can focus on homework. Just kidding! You know I don’t do homework. That’s for phonies! Siddhartha: Holden, I recommend that you stay in school; it’s the only way that you will ever succeed in life. It is quite obvious that you have had many problems in the past few schools that you’ve attended. Something I’ve learned from my journey is that there is always time to turn your life around and start over again! Holden: I doubt that. Anyway, I think we should catch up a little bit. It’s been a while. When was the last time we saw each other? When we were both around 12 years old? So, how have the ladies been treatin’ you? Siddhartha: Yes, I’m pretty sure we last saw each other sometime around then when I was a Brahmin’s Son. Time sure does fly! I was kind of dating a young lady named Kamala. Our relationship came to a close a... ... middle of paper ... ...ject for me to talk about, but ever since my brother Allie died, life hasn’t been the same. His own innocence was cut short… Holden begins to cry silently trying not to draw attention from the other people in Starbucks. Siddhartha: You know what Sidd? That’s enough for today. We talked about a lot. Let’s meet up here tomorrow at 2 PM and discuss your brother some more. Holden wipes away tears and gets up from the table The next day Siddhartha met up with Holden back at Starbucks. They started talking about what Holden could do to improve his study habits and get back on the path that his life started on…At the end of the year Holden and Siddhartha were finished with Ms. Grgas’ World Literature and Analysis class with an average of a 97. Holden got a 100 on his New York State English Regents exam at the end of the year. Holden is yet to get a grade below a 90 in

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