Comparison Between 'Blood And' In The Red Fox Fur Coat

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Why is it so easy to use animal characteristics to portray what human nature craves? In writing, it is so much easier to say it is the animal in us because readers do not want to face the idea of calling it as it is, which is to say that it is the human in us. That human nature is only described as animalistic because no human want to say that they have animal characteristics but to give the animal human characteristics. When humans want their freedom, they write about how “free” an animal is. They write how animals can feel certain emotions. "In the 'Red Fox Fur Coat,' the author uses the main character's transformation into a fox to comment on how humans only feel free when they escape the confines of civilized society, while "Blood" uses …show more content…

The bank clerk wrapped herself in the roles and beliefs and customs that our society impressed upon her. The short story is about a woman whose cultural makes her a "humble bank clerk" in a small town that represents the unnatural confinement of herself. As we grow, all humans struggle through a period in which they search for their identity. It's like trying to locate that certain radio wave that speaks your own personal language. The humble bank clerk found her "natural wave" in the red fox fur coat. Teolinda Gersão, the author, describes this as not just another variation of cultural enlacement, but as "skin" and "pelt" to emphasize that it is natural. As the sales clerk states, "The coat really does look as if it had been made for you. Just for you." When we seek our bare natural identity, we seek our uniqueness. The author describes this coat as "rare, unique". It gives the bank clerk a "sense of being in harmony with herself". She feels healthier, free, her senses are heightened. And, it awakens her natural power. The word "predator" is used. She HUNGERS. She is ALIVE. She tastes blood and "some tempestuous inner force had been released" within her. Red . . . red blood, red coat, red meat, red lipstick = PASSION. The author is stating that to feel the true passion of our human existence, we must be free of those cultural wraps that suffocate our natural spirit. In the end, the bank clerk "left the city behind her" and that which was "keeping tight control of her body" was released and she was "free at last" in the forest of her natural identity and

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