Comparing the Philosophy of Life in Christianity and Chinese Buddhism

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Comparing the Philosophy of Life in Christianity and Chinese Buddhism

Chinese Philosophy not only is the fruit of thinking of the Chinese nation, but also is the important component part of world culture. In Chinese philosophy, there are three main parts: Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Among them, Chinese Buddhism, which came from India, experienced a course of sinicization under the influence of Chinese traditional culture represented mainly by Confucianism and Taoism , so it keeps the general features of Buddhism ,and also formed its Chinese characteristics. The changes of Chinese Buddhism from "going out of this world " to "being in this world " and "building pure land in this world " fully manifested the humanistic spirit of Chinese culture. Both Chinese Buddhism and Western Christianity are religion, but in the realm of thoughts and culture, they are important symbols of Oriental and Western culture. This paper compares the two schools' philosophy of life, so as to explore the modern meaning and value from the mankind's common culture legacy.

There are many differences between Christianity and Buddhism, for instance: Christianity believes in that all things are created by God, while Buddhism denies the existence of the Creator ; Christianity holds that salvation will be obtained by faith, while Buddhism advocates to be free from world by wisdom . But fundamentally speaking , both Christianity and Buddhism (this paper mainly refers to Chinese Buddhism ) are philosophies to life. They answer the questions of where persons come from and go to , and inquire the nature of life. They demand people to do goodness and remove evils in actual life, so as to make life more meaningful. Both of there theoretical bases are ...

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...there is not any external master for man's fate. Although there is Amitabha faith in Buddhism, Which is "others-reliance", yet "other-reliance" is only a subsidiary cause and wouldn't play a decisive role.

Speaking in a certain sense, philosophy of life of Christianity and Buddhism are ethical philosophies. Both their philosophies of life encourage man to tend continuously towards goodness in this life (the ways to tending towards goodness or the standards of utmost goodness are the same "love and benevolent"), and guide man to the moral practice of life which tend towards utmost goodness, and furthermore, provide ultimate philosophical ground for that. As for the significance and roles to actual life, the Oriental and the Western philosophies of life reach the same goal by different routes, both worlds make human life more meaningful and this world a better one.

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