Comparing Two Pieces of Stimuli: The Hurricane and Medea

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Comparing Two Pieces of Stimuli: The Hurricane and Medea

In this essay, I am going to compare and contrast two pieces of

stimuli. The two that have been selected are 'The Hurricane' and

'Medea'. 'The Hurricane' is a song written by Bob Dylan, in 1974. Bob

Dylan was an American artist and wrote about issues in America at that

time. The focus in America during the 1960's was the struggle of Black

Civil Rights. Racism was a major factor in America; most of the bills

going through congress were related to racism across America. For

instance the most popular law passed by congress was one that cause a

lot of controversial issues to surface and this was the for black U.S.

citizens to have the right to sit anywhere on a public bus. A black

female called Rosa Parks brought this on. She refused to get up of a

seat when asked by a white person, as they wanted to sit down, this

action caused her to be arrested and fined by the local police. Rosa

Parks refused to let this matter go, so she prevailed and made a very

important phone call to a person called Martin Luther King who was the

local priest. The actions of Martin Luther King would have

repercussions on the Black American Society, as they would eventually

be granted freedom from segregation and discrimination.

Bob Dylan portrays the fact that many black U.S. citizens were being

marginalised from society, even though the people being victimised

were famous black people. This is what Bob Dylan tries to convey, in

his lyrics he talks about a boxer called Ruben Carter. Bob Dylan sings

about the way in which he was framed and bought to justice on

something that he did not do. When reading and listening to the music

I was stricken to the fact that the authorities didn't find this event

suspicious and that it could've not been Ruben Carter. As I read

through the lyrics of the 'The Hurricane' I noticed the emotions in

which Bob Dylan went through.

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