Comparing Two Dance Systems

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Dance isn’t just a sport involving the body and its movements; instead it is a very mental process. When someone dances in their room or even on stage there are two systems in their brains working to make sure that everything goes on as planned. These two systems are always present in us but they take a unique perspective when relating to dance. System 1 is processing what is happening all around and is making sure that there are no immediate emergencies. System 2 on the other hand is either zoning out or thinking about the next step. When these two systems work together it makes the dancer appear fluid and effortless. The two systems themselves have different personalities and they do different jobs. System 1 “operates automatically and …show more content…

System 2 engages when the mind is going through some type of effort or strain. So if the dancer has practiced the dance and system 2 in not engaged then the dance Is effortless. The audience can tell when the dancer does not have to think about the moves. The moves become fluid and less robotic, there seems to be no end to the movements. When someone new to dance tries to dace they often get frustrated because they cant achieve the fluidity of the steps even though they are doing the steps well. These people are quite literally thinking too much they need to separate from their system 2 and trust that their system 1 can do the job for them. Once they let this control go, their dance step will become noticeably improve. When I competed in dance my dance teacher had something called “the groove.” The groove, in this context, is when System 2 releases control and allows System 1 to do what feels right. The “groove” allows someone to appear fluid and it is quite easy to pick out the people who are experiencing the groove because they look natural. It is natural because they have no cognitive strain therefore their system 2 is not activated. The groove is what every dancer should aspire to be because it truly does demonstrate that the material has been mastered. This being said the groove is not something that will forever be present. The groove can easily disappear. Let’s say someone does not practice for a week or they move on to a more difficult step and leave the fundamentals. Often when they come back to the step or fundamentals they have to do some relearning. This is why many times you will see dancers practicing very simple patterns; they do this so that they can do the simple patterns effortlessly and without concentration so they can focus on the harder steps. High quality dancers can’t spend their time having to have their System 2 preoccupied with thoughts on basic steps,

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