Comparing The Film 'Stand And Deliver'

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The movie ,“Stand and Deliver”, is about a bad high school that is having money problems and have bad behaving and lower level thinking students. When the new teacher, Mr.Escalante, is hired, he starts to teach math to the students and persuades the students to do better. After the school year is done, summer comes around and Mr.Escalante wants his students to attend summer school with longer hours, so he could teach them calculus. His boss disagrees because she worries if they don’t pass, they’ll lose what’s left of their self confidence. He gets the students to attend summer school and manages to get them to learn Calculus. Afterwards, they all take the advanced AP calculus test and pass but, they get questioned for cheating afterwards since they all had the same wrong answers. Later on they want to prove that they didn’t cheat so they take the test again, which is harder, and they have to study the whole course in a day. After the students take the test, the teacher later on finds out that they all had passed the test through a phone call the principal had. Over the years, more and more students from the same school pass the advanced AP calculus test. …show more content…

I relate most to Pancho since he struggles with Calculus, gives up easily, and almost chose a job over his education. bUt after Mr.Escalante convinces him that education is the key to success, he has a new attitude towards his education. For me I struggle with my education and get low grades on most tests and I usually give up easily when it comes to my education. Almost always I choose watching videos on Youtube instead of studying, reading a book, or doing my homework. Eventually I do my homework but I always get distracted between questions. However, sometimes I push myself to study and do my homework because I don’t want bad grades anymore and want to become “successful” so I wouldn’t have it hard in the future because of my mistakes in

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