Comparing Sources A and B and their Agreement about Prohibition

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Comparing Sources A and B and their Agreement about Prohibition In 1920 Prohibition came into effect across the United States. Between January 1920 and December 1933 it was against the law to make, sell or transport alcoholic drinks in the USA. This was written into the American Constitution by the 18th Amendment. Both sources, A and B agree about certain aspects of Prohibition, they both talk about the influence of the anti-saloon league. Source A says “among possible explanations we must include… the influence of the anti-saloon league” showing that the influence of the anti-saloon league was a key factor in trying to decide what was responsible for the introduction of prohibition. Source B says that “a nation-wide campaign, led by the anti-saloon league, brought pressure on Congress to ban the distilling and brewing of alcohol” showing again that the anti-saloon league had an influence on the introduction of prohibition. Both sources also agree that grain shouldn’t have been wasted on making alcohol. Source A says that perhaps one of the reasons that prohibition was introduced was because of the “concern for preserving grain for food” showing that they thought that preserving grain was important and that it shouldn’t be wasted. Source B says that “A nation-wide campaign led by the anti-saloon league, brought pressure on congress to ban the use of grain for either brewing or distilling.” This also shows that they thought grain was important and that the anti-saloon league had an influence on congress to ban the brewing and distilling of alcohol. They also both agree however that prohibition in fact failed because although alcohol was banned, people were still buying and selling even more than they used to when it was legal, also prohibition led to widespread crime and violence. Source A says that “whatever the causes of prohibition, there can be little disagreement about its consequences. It created the greatest criminal boom in American history; perhaps in all modern history… no earlier law had gone against the daily customs, habits and desires of so many Americans.

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