Comparing Romeo And Juliet And The Secret Life Of Bees

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“If my father is going to punish me I might as well run away,” seems to be the thought process of Juliet and Lily. Through this semester we have read The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd and Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare and covered many topics related to the books. Both Lily’s father and Juliet’s father play a large roles in their daughter’s development into a women, causing them to make drastic choices due to their control and ignorance. As Lily and Juliet grow their fathers try to give advice, later ending up controlling their lives. Juliet’s father tried to show his love, soon controlling her decisions in her love life. Lily’s father pays little attention to her other than when he abuses her, consequently lily has do figure …show more content…

From the beginning of the play of Romeo and Juliet Capulet tries to protect his daughter when Paris asks for Juliet’s hand in marriage, knowing of what damage there could come from this marriage. Capulet new his daughter was still young and not completely ready to marry. Yet a few days later Paris asks for her hand again, Capulet knowing his daughter was still mourning her cousin’s recent death thinks a quick marriage would help her to overcome her sorrow. Capulet, ignorant of Juliet’s wants tells her of her arranged marriage in three days. Juliet previously said she would try to love Paris if it so occurred, but now that she had secretly married another man, Romeo, in secret she was unable to marry another, wanting to stay a pure wife. When the marriage was forced on her Juliet became overwhelmed and frustrated with her father. Adding to all this Capulet said if she would not marry Paris he would disown her. This added to her emotional pain with eventual social pain. During this time Capulet also mocked her and broke Juliet’s self-esteem saying she was ungrateful, a burdensome worthless girl. Later because of all her father’s control Juliet made poor life decisions, her running from her arranged marriage by faking her death, leading to her death. Ultimately, Capulet started out as a good, loving, and caring father, in the end causing his …show more content…

Ray was a broken single father, evidently bringing his brokenness out on his daughter by either ignoring her or abusing her. First of all, Lily was punished often punished for things she didn’t do or just abused so often she felt everything was her fault. Because Lily was so mentally damaged because of the way her father treated her she had a low self-esteem in public therefore she was often bullied. Socially it was evident T. Ray was not doing well in his job as a single father. Lily was rejected by others for her poor appearance affected by her father’s ignorance. Eventually Lily runs away to escape her father’s abuse, but even after she was taken into the Boatwright sisters home she still suffered from the mental abuse she had endured from the time she was at

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