Comparing Perception And Reality In Michael Bay's Film

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Curiosity is one of the most important traits that a human being could have. Curiosity fuels the body forcing it to crave learning and knowledge, helping it to discover new things and experience the different adventures that life has to offer. The Island is a movie about an individual named Lincoln Six Echo and his life that he has lived thus far underground with many others just like himself after the “contamination” of Earth occurred. He and his friend Jordan Two Delta escape from the building they are being withheld into the real world. They are told the truth of what was actually going on in the makeshift society that they escaped from and now they must run from the people trying to bring them back. In Michael Bay’s film, The Island, Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta discover that perception and reality are two completely contrasting realms of existence. Perception and reality differ greatly within this film. Lincoln Six Echo wakes up every morning in a technologically advanced compound believing that it was created because the outside world had become “contaminated.” There are many others within this compound that all wear the same uniform and eat the same foods most days. The only thing that provides this makeshift society with any hope is …show more content…

This dystopian world from The Island relates to the novel 1984 by George Orwell. In the novel a man named Winston is unorthodox because he questions the government that is in control and this closely resembles Lincoln in the movie because he begins to question the compound along with many other lies that he perceives as his reality. Winston and Lincoln’s curiosity lead them both into many risky situations with the girls they love, Julia and Jordan, in order to get a glimpse of reality. Although perception may seem like reality they might be two completely different realms of

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