Comparing Oedipus The King And Lysistrata

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Beginning in 700 BC in Greece, drama and theatre became very popular and quite competitive. Just like in modern day, themes come and go and the ancient greeks went through three different phases of drama. They were tragedy, comedy, and then satyr play. Oedipus the King and Lysistrata were similar in some ways, for instance they both are fiction playwrights and they also show the importance of women.(acad…) Although they have plenty similarities, the two plays stood out but for completely different reasons. Oedipus the King was written in the time where tragedy plays were popular. You can see throughout the play that the storyline depicts the classic Greek definition of a tragedy. It included tragedies in many different forms like murder, lies, betrayal, and suicide. Some examples in Oedipus the King were Oedipus was left to die on a mountain and ended up killing his own father and marrying his mother. After that, Oedipus tries to commit suicide by stabbing his own eyes and blinding himself. Every scene shows some type of a tragedy and betrayal which is why it fits perfectly into the Greek definition of a tragedy play. …show more content…

To be more exact, it was Old Comedy, “which was a disguise used for political satire” in ancient Greece.(ucf.grtep…) Lysistrata was a story on Aristophanes comment on the war and how it needed to be ended but with a spin put on it. Back in 5th century BC, women were not allowed on stage so they had men dress up as women and tell the soldiers or men that they would not have sex with them until they stopped the war.(youtube…) People found this new type of theatre hilarious yet interesting and Lysistrata started it all. After Lysistrata, which was Old Comedy, came Middle Comedy, then New

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