Comparing Most Dangerous Game And High Noon

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Both film and book are very popular when they were published ,and still interesting today their story forces you to go on and makes you never to stop. In the story Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell a renowned Huntsman falls off a yacht and finds out what it's like to be hunted. Also in the film High Noon made by Carl Foreman a marshal try's to protect his town from a gang of criminals. Both of these have similarities and differences on certain things such a settings, characters, as well as themes. There is many examples to what these stories both have in common or are different in. The settings in the book and film have have some interesting similarities in how they work. "Dense jungle came down to the very edge of the cliffs, what perils that tangle of trees and underbrush might hold for him did not concern Rainsford"(Connell 6). Both settings are isolated and lawless in their story/film if they were different so would be the outcome of each. Jungles are known for being isolated and anything can happen there no many people live in them and those who do are usually strong. The settings in both the movie and story seem to be desolate and dangerous when the villain comes out of hiding. …show more content…

It must have been a fairly large animal too"(Connell 6). This quote explains how both main characters are very smart this shows how one of them thinks as well as his thought process as a hunter. Both the main characters Kane and Rainsford are very smart in their professions and can escape death against their villains, but Kane is a marshal Rainsford is a hunter.They are indeed good at their

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