Comparing Japan And Japan

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From the above table it is evident that there are many differences between the two cultures, some of which were experienced by John. Australia’s culture is characterised by low power distance and long-term orientation, high individualism and indulgence and intermediate masculinity and uncertainty avoidance. Comparatively Japan has an intermediate power distance score, high scores for masculinity, uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation and are collectivists and restrained.

The Power Distance index measures how people react to inequalities in society. Japan has a higher power distance score than Australia and is thus more hierarchal. They have more strict rules than in Australia such as formal school assemblies and strict school clothing, all Japanese schools also have the same curriculum. Individuals have less authority but have more reliance on leaders to look after them. John noted that this was reflected in many of the Japanese children as they adhered to school rules rather than rebelling like many Australians. This demonstrates the higher Power Distance and how he people respected authority to a greater extent than Australians.

Australians are much more individualistic than the Japanese and thus when John travelled to Japan he found himself having to adjust to this. As a collectivist society this was evident to John in the nature of the people he stayed with during a home stay. He said they were much more welcoming and accommodating than what he was used to. John noticed a substantial difference between the Australian outspoken way of life where individuals directly communicate what they want whereas the Japanese are very reserved and polite as they are reluctant to disturb group harmony, often the Australian sense...

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... of the most significant differences between Australia and Japan is the value members of society place on indulgence. Australia is a highly indulgent society therefore John was used to usual 9-5 working hours coupled with leisurely nights and weekends. However in Japan there is little emphasis on leisure time and work life is considered the most important. When John was at school in Japan he noticed that the other children were particularly studious and that they would go for an additional 2 to 3 hours of tutoring after a full day of school. As an Australian, where most after school activities are recreational such as sport, this would have a fairly blatant difference between the two cultures. Another difference noticed by John was that the Japanese would often kneel at tables for food rather than eating, this also could be evidence of Japan’s low indulgence score.

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