Comparing Huckleberry Finn And John Steinbeck's Grapes Of Wrath

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"You cannot legislate morality" (Goldwater). Since the beginnings of civilization, the debate between legality versus morality has been highlighted. What is considered legal does not always coincide with people's moral values. Likewise, others argue that one set of morals cannot lay the law of the land. This fierce debate is a prominent theme found within two of America's most acclaimed novels, Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath. In both novels, the characters are seen as crooked convicts and fugitives in the eyes of the law alone; however, the readers come to love and root for these same characters throughout the novels because of the author's portrayal of their sense of morality leading them to break unjust laws. Furthermore, not only is this take on the strength of morality over legality found within the novels, but also within modern articles that criticize the immorality of the government throughout history. Consequently, …show more content…

Not in decency, anyways ... Sometimes a fella got to sift the law" (Steinbeck 179). As the seeds of change and defiance began to set in, both Huck and Tom decided to help free people from their bondage. After talking to Casy for the last time, Tom reached a realization that he can be a catalyst to change by bringing all the migrants together. He vows to free the migrants from their unjust treatment and use the festering "grapes of wrath" inside them all to produce their change. "I been thinkin' a hell of a lot, thinkin' about out people livin' like pigs, and the good rich lan' layin' fallow. An' I been wonderin' if all our folks got together an' yelled, like them fellas yelled –" (Steinbeck 536). Tom wants to save the starving kids and migrant workers from the hardships pushed onto them by the unspoken laws that are established to target them. He wants to overcome the legality of the situation by doing what he believes to be morally

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