Comparing Heroism In Beowulf, The Iliad And The Green Knight

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By examining the heroism in Beowulf, The Iliad, and Sir Gawain and The Green Knight, the traits of heroism can be defined as loyalty, devotion and courage.

The epic tale, Beowulf, follows a Swedish knight who travels with 14 men to Denmark where he slays multiple supernatural beings over the course of many years, proving his immense amount of courage over and over. Beowulf jumps to help when he is called on by the elders, he is eager for fame and ready to spill blood, showing his devotion to his own and others. Beowulf first killed Grendel in defense for King Hrothgar and his people, then when Grendel's mother was told of what had happened she sprang to avenge her son's death. The battle was nerve wracking. "And then the battles only survivor swam up away from those silent corpses; the water was calm and clean" (Beowulf lines 574-576). Years later when Beowulf was tried again in battling a fierce dragon, he stepped up fearlessly for his last battle and stayed devoted to the safety of his people until his very last breath. …show more content…

near the end of the Trojan war, and follows Achilles who seeks to avenge his best friend's death, showing is loyalty to Patroclus. Hector, who slaughtered Patroclus, only asks for a proper burial while Achilles is standing over him ready to kill. "You'll pay for the reckoning in full for all the pain my men have borne who met death by your spear" (The Iliad 99-101). Ignoring his wishes, after killing Hector, Achilles strips his body, pierced his tendons and dragged his body around Patroclus' grave 3 times, devoting himself to ensuring Hector suffered a terrible death. After Hectors dad begs Achilles for his son's body back, the two cry together, Achilles thinking of his father and Hectors father thinking of his son. Achilles promises the King that he will return Hector for a proper burial showing an extreme amount of

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