Comparing Christina Rosetti's Approach to the Subject of Death in After Death, Remember, Song and Dream

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Comparing Christina Rosetti's Approach to the Subject of Death in After Death, Remember, Song and Dream Death was a favourite theme of the Victorian writers. Before antibiotics and a National Health Service it was common to die early in life from common illnesses such as tuberculosis and during childbirth. 50% of children died before the age of six in Hanworth, the Bronte sisters' village. The Victorians held expensive funerals that were showy and intrigued by the processes of decay, change and growth. Themes such as these are explored in novels such as 'Dracula' and 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'. Many Victorians believed in life after death and also hoped for this. In 1851 a religious census found out that half the population attended Church regularly especially the middle classes. The Victorians believed that a good life on Earth would lead to happiness in heaven. However, all this changed as scientific knowledge was progressing. This made many people begin to take a less literal view on religion, pinning their faith on what they could see and prove. Victorian writers were fascinated by the idea of an ideal woman, especially the men. She was described as a very desirable person being innocent yet sensual, passive but alert and always obedient to men. Her aim in life was to be patient and an attentive wife. Also a loving and affectionate mother as family meant everything to her. However, in reality, women's lives at the beginning of the Victorian period were very limited as they could not own money and they were treated as though they was property of their husbands. If they had no male relatives to support them then they were destitute. T... ... middle of paper ... ...ey or quest. The afterlife can be seen as an ideal place or a reward of enduring life. Death is the final resting place in preparation for ultimate joy and peace. Religious imagery appears in so many of her poems with the implication of fulfilment by resurrection with Christ. Sometimes Christina frequently juxtaposes the inadequacies, pain and struggles of the world with imagined pleasure and ecstasy of paradise. In 'Remember', 'After Death' and 'Song' the theme of death is related to loss of relationships. In the poem 'After Death' Christina Rossetti write that the woman in the poem is talking about the man not to him. Whereas in 'Remember' and 'Song' they are speaking to their loved one about a time when they will be dead. 'Remember' and 'After Death' both link as they talk about the end of a physical relationship.

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