Comparing Bless Me Ultima And My Hero's Journey

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Bless Me Ultima and Whale ride Essay Everyone has a destiny that can be changed and influencent in the people around them. There are many bad events could happen in one´s destiny. Both Antonio and Paikea will find their destiny and walk through them. Antonio doesn´t know which sides he will be Marez or Lunas. Paikea doesn´t know will she be a leader or not. Antonio and Paikea find destiny through their teacher, birth, and facing optical. There are two generation to teach them, one of them is Ultima and Koro. Both teacher have their destiny to guides them. Ultima helps Antonio during the birth but he doesn’t know which side he will be. Ultima said, “[Antonio’s] soul grew under [Ultima’s] careful guidance” (Anaya 15). Similar to Paikea learn

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