Comparing Beowulf And Herman's

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Comparison of Beowulf and Wolverine
From the medieval times to the aftermath of World War II we have two different but extremely similar hero figures in history. The character development for Beowulf goes on from a young heroic warrior to growing into this strong leader. Wolverine goes from being a very sickly and fragile child to maturing into a brute fearless and strong hero. These two men are very brutal and merciless when it comes to combat. From ripping limbs off with the raw strength to shredding their enemies into pieces it goes to show just how extreme their fight scenes can get. They also have allies in their time of need. Beowulf had Wiglaf to fight the Fire Dragon and Wolverine had Sabertooth when fighting the wars through history. …show more content…

In past or present, they have a purpose and reasoning for their quest to conquer evil. Beowulf was known for his display of extreme power to gain something in return, but the heroes of today are cliché type, they are ideal with little to no flaws. Heroes are the image of what people in society want to be or hope to become someday, such as gaining wisdom, cleverness, and bravery. The idea of heroes for the past and present vary based on the characteristics of what society aspires to be. Beowulf never seemed to have a pure purpose. He rescued or attempted to rescue people for his reputation to remain intact. Through his completed matches versus the monsters, he received praise and recognition. The admiration and acknowledgment of his strength and bravery were his purposes. Wolverine from the X-Men falls into the category of hero with a twist, he is a hero still but his attitude doesn't always seem like it. His purpose at the beginning of his quest was for self-discovery, find out who he was, and recollect his past. He fought several individuals for answers, where a majority of the time no responses to his question remained. He is admired for his bravery and courage just as Beowulf because Logan also without thinking saves others while disregarding his own safety. Though they both are considered heroes from different times, heroes vary in

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