Comparing Athanassoulis's Approach To Virtue Ethics

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Following a discussion of the core ideologies of virtue ethics, Athanassoulis introduces three objections that the approach often receives: self-centeredness, action-guiding, and moral luck (Athanassoulis, pp. 15-18). For the purpose of this dialogue, two of these rebuttals will be considered, along with any evidence supporting or refuting their credibility.
Those who support the action-guiding rebuttal suggest that there is a lack of rigidity to the virtue ethicist’s approach to the normative question (Athanassoulis, pp. 17). Both Kantian and Utilitarian ethics provide in their doctrine clearly defined rules regarding how to distinguish moral conduct. Critics claim that this rigidity is a strength to the doctrines, allowing its followers to explicitly know how to conduct themselves. Conversely, virtue ethics responds to the normative question by suggesting that men should live a virtuous life through good moral character (Athanassoulis, pp. 1). Critics suggest that imprecision regarding the definition of virtue its application can create an ambiguous understanding of what it means to conduct a ‘good’ life: “A theory that fails to be action-guiding is no good as a moral theory” (Athanassoulis, pp. 17). Consider, for example, a new recruit for the local pick-up football team. …show more content…

Though physically he may be capable of performing at a

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