Comparing Aphrodite's Song And Prayer To Worship Their Gods

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The Greek people broke out in song and prayer to worship their gods. Aphrodite was one of the Olympians in Greek mythology, and she was worshiped more than most. Aphrodite was an influential goddess in Greek mythology because of her mysterious origin, her countless children, her influence on both gods and humans, and the differences between herself and Venus. Aphrodite’s origin stories are different in many ways. The most popular one depicts a maiden rising from the sea. The story tells us: Cronus ambushed Uranus and parts of his body fell into the sea, and a maiden grew around the immortal flesh; she rose from the sea foam near Cyprus (Atsma). Another one of her many stories of origin is, she was the daughter of Zeus, god of lightning, and Dione, a titaness. A third origin story is, she hatched from an egg. This myth is a part of Syrian mythology. “Into the Euphrates River an egg of wonderful size is said to have fallen, which fish rolled to the bank. Doves sat on it and when it was heated, it hatched out Venus [Ashtarte, the Syrian Aphrodite] who was later called the Syrian goddess” (Atsma). Therefore, even though Aphrodite’s origin is disputed, she still grew up to be one of the most well-known goddesses. …show more content…

She had four children who were mortals, and her son Aeneas is said to have sailed to Italy and established the Roman Empire. Some of her other mortal children were in the upper levels of governments from Sicily to Asia Minor. They held roles such as: king, prince, and prophet/prophetess (Atsma). She had about eighteen children among the gods. She had children with many different gods; they range anywhere from Ares to Zeus. Eros and Pothos were two of her children. Some myths say Aphrodite was born pregnant with them. Some of her other children helped promote peace, such as Harmonia, goddess of

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