Comparing A Sound Of Thunder And Being Prey

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when you read two stories do you ever notice anything they have in common or different in the two stories, A sound of thunder and being prey I found many things that they had in common and things that were very different. when you read two stories do you ever notice anything they have in common or different in the two stories, A sound of thunder and being prey I found many things that they had in common and things that were very different. one similarity between these two stories is that both of the main characters had to face a dangerous situation. in A sound of thunder the dangerous thing was the dinosaur that the main character Eckels had to hunt. in being prey the dangerous situation was plum wood being attacked by a crocodile Another similarity …show more content…

in a sound of thunder, there was foreshadowing when one of the characters explained what would happen if someone got off of the path. this gave me a hint that someone would step off of the path. in being prey there was foreshadowing when plum wood kept having a feeling of unease this gave me a hint that something bad was going to happen. when you read two stories do you ever notice anything they have in common or different in the two stories, A sound of thunder and being prey I found many things that they had in common and things that were very different. one similarity between these two stories is that both of the main characters had to face a dangerous situation. in A sound of thunder the dangerous thing was the dinosaur that the main character Eckels had to hunt. in being prey the dangerous situation was plum wood being attacked by a crocodile Another similarity between the two stories is that the conflicts were caused by animals. in A sound of thunder, the animals that caused the conflict was a dinosaur. in being prey the animals that caused the conflict was a dinosaur. Another reason these stories are alike is that they both have to

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