Compare and Contrast

598 Words2 Pages

Bicycles. A seemingly endless world of possiblilites. Yet, so singular. People. Some many different types, and separated from everything else. Who would ever say that two things couldn't be much different? But could they actually be similar? Bicycles are ridden solely for personal enjoyment and activity. But they are so silent. They can't talk to you about where they hurt, or how they hurt. Or even if they're tired. Have you ever listened to a friend who has or is going through a hard time? Maybe she just came to you because she knew she could spill it all out, even if you thought she was just complaining. If you ever have, I hope it was done with empathy, and not apathy... Doing such a noble deed, indeed takes a caring friend. Imagine with me, if you will a hot, yet pleasant July day. Tom, your next door neighbor, is filling up his bike tire and Jane, your other next door neighbor is in her bedroom talking, well actually listening to her friend, Mary, complain about the B she got on a test. If you are anything like me, you might start to wonder, "Now, what are the similarities...

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