Compare Nothing’s Changed to Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two

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Compare Nothing’s Changed to Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two

Beautiful People in a Mercedes’, showing how the poets reveal their

ideas and feelings about the cultures and traditions that they are

writing about.

The poem ‘Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a

Mercedes’ has been chosen to be compared to ‘Nothing’s Changed’. The

two poets Tatamkhulu Afrika and Lawrence Ferlinghetti reveal their

ideas and feelings about the cultures and traditions that they have

talked about through the tone, language and the structure of the poem.

The reader can notice that both poets reveal that in an angry way. The

poem that Lawrence Ferlinghetti wrote tells us how the poor people

feel about the rich when they see them living and staying in a better

place than they are. The poem also tells us the separations between

the rich and poor. The poem ‘Nothing’s Changed’ talks about the

separation between the whites and the blacks and how the whites

usually treat the black people.

The tone in ‘Nothing’s Changed’ is very angry and violent, to show the

poets attitude to the fact that nothing has changed. His ideas and

violent feelings are revealed in his tone. He shows a very bad

attitude towards white people. The tone can be seen as that of a

resigned way, as if he knows that it almost too much to hope that

things can change.

The poem ‘Two Scavengers …’ can be seen as a loud angry tone, to

protest about the failure of democracy. It can also be seen as a

somber, muted tone, to express sadness that a gap remains between rich

and poor. Comparison in detail has been done between the two garbage

men and the cool couples.

The poem ‘Nothing’s Changed’ is written in the present tense. Even

though he is talking about a past experience, it’s like it is

happening now. This is one of the features that were used in the

language to make us read the poem. The poet uses alliteration in all

the stanzas except stanza four. In the first stanza he used

alliteration when he used the words cuffs, cans and crunch. In the

third stanza the poet uses alliteration on ‘g’. He also uses rhythmic

echo in ‘hands’, ‘bones’ and ‘lungs’ in the second stanza. Repetition

and assonance is also used in the second stanza. Sound pattern has

been used in the fifth stanza. All this shows how the poet reveals

his ideas and feelings about his culture and tradition. So the

language he used helped him a lot to reveal his thoughts and feelings.

The poem title ‘Two Scavengers …’ shows us that the poem will be about

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