Compare And Differences Of Banquo Vs. Macbeth

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Banquo and Macbeth are quite opposite when you sit down to compare the two: Banquo comes off as more religious while Macbeth will stop at nothing to get what he wants, even when that means taking shortcuts and quite literally removing anyone from your path. While Banquo does not take the three witches seriously, Macbeth eats up their every word as if it were the finest chocolate he’s ever tasted. The fact that Banquo inadvertently demonstrates that he is a man of God due to the fact that he doesn’t take the prophecies seriously. Banquo makes it fairly clear that he believes that bad things happen when you open yourself up to evil actions and this is continuously proved as Macbeth goes on “his” killing spree that he himself doesn’t actually …show more content…

Although there is a ghost in Hamlet, the faith base seems to be slightly stronger. There is reason to believe this simply because of the dialog and how the characters choose to go about things. The ghost of King Hamlet is certainly going to be slightly bitter seeing as how he was murdered by his own brother and then his widowed wife married his killer – you would have to be quite mental if this gave you a reason to rejoice – and even though he still came back to seek revenge on Claudius through his son Hamlet, he still chose to leave some things up to God to decide. In King Hamlet’s second appearance as the Ghost, he makes himself known to Bernardo, and Marcellus, and Horatio again along with Hamlet who came along this time. During his first visit he said nothing due to the cock crowing, signaling the sign of morning; however, this time the ghost of Old Hamlet beckoned Hamlet to come with him and to come alone. This is when King Hamlet chose to expose Claudius’ actions to Hamlet in order to get Hamlet on board the revenge train all the way to Claudius Ville. He chooses to inform Hamlet that he is stuck …show more content…

King Hamlet was beyond annoyed that Hamlet had done what every child does when their parent asks them to do something, and did the exact opposite. Not only had Hamlet spoken to his mother about her poor choices, but he also had yet to kill Claudius. In Hamlet’s defense he had a good reason for why he hadn’t killed his uncle yet (definitely a good conversation to have over the holidays) and had half of Shakespeare’s characters taken the time to make sure things are done right then there probably wouldn’t be so much tragedy. Hamlet had waited to kill Claudius because he wasn’t certain about the ghost being his father and so he did not want to commit a sin that was not necessary. However, he still failed because he entertained King Hamlet’s ghost and that is a sin in and of its own. In order for Hamlet to decide whether or not he can trust the ghost of his father he decides to put on a play for his mother and uncle that was based around his father’s murder. As the play took place, Hamlet kept a close watch on Claudius and all of his emotions and that is how Hamlet knew that the ghost was not an evil spirit, but was definitely his beloved father. Once Hamlet comes to terms with the fact that he’s letting down his father even after he’s passed Hamlet is able to come up with a plan to kill Claudius so that he can suffer the same way that he has made

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