Compare And Contrast Two Interviewees Being Apart Of Vastly Different Cultures

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Compare and Contrast Despite both interviewees being apart of vastly different cultures, they carry far more similarities than I originally thought they would. They both value strong relationships with family/friends, staying devoted to their religion, and having a strong work ethic. As mentioned before, some of the most common developmental tasks people going through middle adulthood have include: involve trying to improve career, strengthening relationships with partner/children/extended family, contributing to the community, etc., except the interviewees had different focuses on these tasks due to their own personal situations. For example, the second interviewee had to put more effort in her physical health due to her illnesses whereas for the other interviewee, it was never a …show more content…

Among the meanings work can have are the following (Friedmann & Havighurst, 1954): a source of income, a life routine and way of structuring time, a source of status and identity, a context for social interaction, and a meaningful experience that provides a sense of accomplishment,” (Hutchinson, 2015, p. 352) which can explain why interviewee #1 feels a sense of failure. She feels that she never got the opportunity to show her true potential, whereas interviewee #2 feels that she already did what she wanted and it is now time to settle down. Where they live, what their mental health status is, what culture they belong to, and what their physical health status is, all affect what certain challenges these people will face and what kind of support and services they will have when it comes to finding a solution for them. The life span theory covered in the textbook takes an interesting take on this concept, stating that, “biological influences on development become more negative, and cultural support becomes more important, with increasing age in adulthood. A distinction can be made between early and late midlife…with increasing age in adulthood, there is an overall

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