Compare And Contrast Two Friends

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No matter how many friends you make throughout your lifetime, you end up losing the ones you realize aren’t your real friends. Many people you come in contact with don’t have the best intentions for you and they don’t care about you. Jasmin is a better choice of a friend because she’s showed me I have been friends with many people , but I’ve also lost a lot of friends because they betrayed me by either talking about me to others , or because they used me, all the friends I lost had bad intentions for me . However, I have been friends with two completely opposite females for many years but only one is any outstanding friend. When comparing both my friends Jasmin Kirkland is a better friend than Melissa because she’s stayed loyal all the years of knowing each other, she’s fun, and my family loves her. Jasmin is a better choice of friend because she’s showed me more loyalty more loyalty than Melissa has ever shown. Jasmin has always showed me her loyalty by always staying by my side unlike Mellissa. I’ve been going to the mall, park, and out to eat with Jasmin since we were in the third grade. …show more content…

Every time Jasmin and I get together to go out we always decide on the same thing to do and enjoy it. For example, we both adore shopping, staying home and watching scary movies, or going to the park to run the trails. whenever me and Jasmin are together we make each other laugh a lot by making jokes and by being clumsy , it never fails that whenever we go on trails one of us falls. On the other hand Melissa and I don’t exactly share common interests. Melissa’s idea of fun is going to parties’ late, drinking alcohol, smoking weed, and popping pills. She basically revolves her life around drugs while I don’t do any kinds of drugs. Considering that we are completely different it’s very hard to find something for the both of us to enjoy

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