Compare And Contrast The Tension Between The Soviet Union And The United States

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C2. The ideologies in the Soviet Union and the United States differed immensely and created tension between them. The Soviet Union believed in Communism while the United States believed in Capitalism. The Soviet Unions communism belief meant that they thought that everything should be owned and ruled by the government and things would be divided amongst the people. On the other hand, the United States believed in freedom to compete for goods. They believed that everyone should have the chance to work for and own what they please. The tensions arose due to the United States fearing the Soviet Union’s communism. They feared that if communism spread it could result in the Soviet Union gaining more allies and lead to more attacks on the United States. (Norton, 2015)

C3. The Cold War tensions affected multiple aspects of American life. Three effects were the focus on education, the House Un-American Activities Committee, and the Communist Control Act. One positive effect of the Cold War was the increased focus on education. Although it came out of a place of fear, the Eisenhower administration increased the amount of money allocated for education. In addition to the extra …show more content…

The main focus of this group was to investigate any un-American propaganda and led the crusade of anticommunism. This group took extreme measures. They claimed that many celebrities were Communist Party dupes. They even went as far as charging an eight-year-old movie star, Shirley Temple. Even after losing credibility for these claims they continued attacking Hollywood. This time they sent ten people to prison for refusing to “name names” of other communists. This attack on Hollywood led to lives and careers being ruined without any evidence. There were hundreds of stars including actors, makeup artists and directors that were blacklisted from studios due to being suspected of communist connections. (Norton,

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