Compare And Contrast The Legal Ethics Model

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The Legal Ethics Model code differ from the medical society code of ethics in terms of laws and obligations. The Legal Ethics code are laws while the medical society code of ethics are standards of conduct. In my opinion when we hear legal we think of laws and lawyers, on the other hand, when we hear medical we think of a doctor or physician; furthermore, Lawyers protect client’s rights and their responsibilities are mainly to the society as well for a physician but a primary responsibility is to their patients first.
The Legal Ethics Model code is longer comparing to the medical society code of ethics. Unlike physicians, lawyers do not just report incompetent lawyers but they are required to establish standards of conduct to protect the people. …show more content…

Physicians are required to follow rules in order to provide the best adequate care to their patients, comparing to lawyers who not only interpret the laws but also participate in making changes to them. The Legal Ethics Model code proves how challenging it is to become a lawyer, unlike healthcare professions compensation varies depending on the type of case that they are dealing with and for them to effectively defend a client, sufficient compensation is required. Applying Ayn Rand’s philosophy to this code, she would argue that “one's only duty is to their own self-interest and not to other people or the community at all”, based on the Legal Ethics Model code a lawyer is in their client’s best interests and they make sure that their rights are protected. We wonder why lawyers defend criminals despite of knowing that their clients are guilty, but they still fight to defend their rights knowing that this person caused harm to someone else. No matter what crimes their clients have committed they would come up with reasons that they are not guilty. For example, a young man who kills his parents, a criminal defense lawyer would argue that this young man is immature or he is mentally ill and that maybe the main reason for his action was because of child abuse and he has never

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