Compare And Contrast The Jumping Tree And The Ravine

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Out of the books “The Jumping Tree” and “The Ravine” the characters had to make a decision about to jump and follow their friendship or be a leader for themselves. In “The Ravine” Vinny didn’t jump from the ravine into a pond and in “The Jumping Tree” Rey did jump off a tree. I think Vinny made the best decision. In “The Ravine” Vinny and friends were in a ravine were a boy had just got killed about two weeks ago in the pond they were going to. When I read the book I found out that Vinny was caring not only for himself but for others. When he saw his friends jumping off a ledge in the ravine to the pond he was scared especially for Starlene. In the book on page seven Vinny said this in his mind, “Pleasepleaseplease Starlene, I don’t want to

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