Compare And Contrast The French Revolution And Napoleon

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French Revolution and Napoleon The French Revolution entered a radical stage in 1972 because of the dissatisfaction of the poor, dissatisfaction of the nobles and the clergy, economic crisis, a crisis in leadership, foreign invasion, international polarization, Jacobins gaining power of the national convention, the grow of a counter revolution and the the september massacres. However, accomplishments like purging france of any old order thinkers, turning france into a republic and allowing Bonaparte to come to power came out of such horrific events that is the radical stage. Dissatisfaction of the poor was one of the reasons french revolution entered the radical stage. The people were angry. They were starving to death and so were their
They were sick of the government. They used violence to send their message across and bring attention to their cause.The people had come this far and were not prepared to watch their efforts lead to failure and an absolute monarch restoration. Also, before the revolution, if you were born a peasant, you died a peasant and if you were born an aristocrat, you died an aristocrat regardless of personal ability. After the radical stage, there was the ability to move around in rank. The dissatisfaction of the nobles and the clergy was another reason why the radical stage occurred. Nobles and clergy were mad because the lost their privileges. Before the revolution, the first two estates enjoyed tax exemptions while the third estate paid for everything. Politically, the first two estates had much more power than they should have had based on their numbers. In the Estates General, each estate was represented equally. This was true even
The Jacobins therefore seized control of the national convention and used it to denounce,arrest,and execute all political enemies. Due to the fanatical aspirations of men such as Danton and Robespierre,who was very radical, it would be only a matter of months before the moderate stage of social and political reform was transformed into a radical phase of barbaric and violent force. Danton and Robespierre used Mara as a face of the saint jacobs club since he was typically a great friend to the people to justify their actions of killing Louis XIV and Marie Antoinette along with their children and 40,000 others with the guillotine to stop anyone thought to support the counter revolution. Robespierre wrote “Justification of the Use of Terror” to inform the people that terror is necessary to weed out anyone would opposes the republic. The radical forces were able to gain the support of the citizens in declaring that the constitution of 1791 was ineffective and useless since it did not suit the needs of ALL the population of France. The declaration of the rights of man and of citizen did not include women, slaves, and minorities as well as not giving any specific shape to the government Another cause of the radical stage was the grow of a counter revolution. All those dissatisfied with the new reform wanted the grand catholic army to overthrow the new french government. The sans-culottes stood

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