Compare And Contrast The Fathers Of Confederation

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The fathers of confederation in Canada’s beginning stages had a very specific mindset while creating the country in which we know today; to create an empire without following in the same footsteps as our neighbours the United States of America. Throughout this essay this statement will be proven by delving into the relations these both countries hold with their predecessor; England, by discovering their constitutional differences, and by analyzing matters surrounding the different uses of division of power. There are many differences with Canada’s neighbour, the United States of America; some in which can be dated back to our ties with our English heritage. Canada is known as a constitutional monarchy; meaning that although they are independent from …show more content…

The Prime Minister of Canada; since the establishment of the Statue of Westminster, is the head of the Canadian government. He is in charge of the day to day activities for the Canadian people while the Governor General; a representative of the crown, is charged to uphold tradition and as a means to pay respect to the Canadian heritage. He/she deals with the more ceremonial side of Canadian politics with no political power over legislation. The fathers of confederation had a dream for Canada to be an ‘empire within an empire’ , an independent state but still tied to their English founders. America on the other hand needed to be 100% independent from England , completely distancing themselves from their roots. “No taxation without representation” is a common expression used in the 1750s and 1760s after English

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