Compare And Contrast The British And Spanish Colonies

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The history of early colonization and settlement revolves predominately around the British and Spanish colonies. Settlers from these colonies crossed over to America for various reasons and understandings that helped mold America as we know it today. Both the British and the Spanish colonies had historically elaborate, unique cultures. Within both of these colonies, they both had many different advantages and disadvantages that people categorize them for today. Spanish and British settlers both had very different motives and reasons for colonization. The Spanish settlers main purpose was to hunt and collect for gold and silver for immediate profit, as well as to convert natives to the catholic faith and set up assignments and missions. while the Spanish colonies were working on their intention and ideas, the British settlers were thinking about long term opportunities and wanting to settle in the land. Both the Spanish and the British settlements have developed many national trademarks that still remain to this day. Even though both civilizations had many similarities, The British and Spanish colonies did not settle in the same manner because of different beliefs, goals, and lifestyle. Efforts in trying to make new British colonies along the coast of America were well supported by the British people. In 1607, many British settlers decided to make Jamestown their new home. Due to lack of adequate food sources, …show more content…

In the Spanish colonies, settlers were governed by the governors and were forced to obey the king’s laws. They could not make up laws on there own. British colonists were allowed to host local governments among themselves. They also set up local representative meetings and a system to tax themselves. There were no laws governing the possession of slaves and slavery in

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