Compare And Contrast The Boy In The Striped Pajamas And The Kite Runner

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We all have a childhood, whether it is happy or unfortunate. The Boy In The Striped Pajamas by Irish novelist John Boyne tell us about during World War II, 8-year-old Bruno and his family leave Berlin to take up residence near the concentration camp where his father has just become commandant. He beginning a forbidden friendship with a Jewish boy in the camps about his age. The Kite Runner by Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini tells us about in 1970’s Afghan, Amir and Hassan who are friends. As Amir’s servant, Hassan protects him when Assef a local bully threatens them, but Amir doubts the relationship between he and Hassan. Even though, these children are different ages, live in different countries, and have different experiences, they still have some similarities in power, friendship, and bravery. In The Boy In The Striped Pajamas and The Kite Runner, both Bruno and Amir have the power of their fathers, but Shmuel and Hassan are less powerful than Bruno and Amir because of their families. Bruno has a stronger power than others, because he is German and his father is a commandant during World War II in Berlin. He could continue to live just like before. However, Shmuel was very powerless confined to Bruno. Shmuel …show more content…

While there are many differences between The Boy In The Striped Pajamas and The Kite Runner, it is amazing to discover similarities in two stories that children who have power to deny friendship because they are afraid of bullies, but they all feel sad about their decisions. The stories about the friendship between boys is the kind of hard-won, but they have learned to cherish when they choose to be brave to face on their mistakes. After reading, I think about my own life, although I live in a peaceful era of equality, I still need to learn how to use the power, maintain the friendships, and be brave to face

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