Compare And Contrast Superman Vs Tapeman

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In 2016, we are provided with so many blockbuster movies. From Captain America Civil War, Deadpool, Star Trek, even Harry Potter spin-off. But one of the most exiting one is Batman v Superman : Dawn of Justice. This upcoming DC comic adaptation will have Superman and Batman fight at each other for some reasons. There also will be Lex Luthor, Superman's villain, and Wonder Woman, another superhero from DC Comic. But, the question for all fans and audiences is, who will win? Superman or Batman?

Talking about power, of course Supeman is way better than Batman. He's from another planet, anyway. He has power above people average. He can lift very heavy object. He even can move mountain. And also he has laser on his eyes. On the other hand, Batman relies on his technologies and his gadgets. His suit is bulletproof, he has heavy weapons, and his gadgets are very cool. …show more content…

He fights to stand the rights from the wrongs. He saves people because he cares about them. And usually he doesn't kill his enemies, because the lives of his enemies are not on his hand. Batman, even though he has the same purpose to save people lives, are willing to do anything to defeat his enemies. He's like vigilante. But the good thing of him is that he doesn't need people to konw him. As long the people save, he's already happy.

We already know Superman and Batman. Now, we have to now about their true identity. Superman's true identity is Kal-El, an alien that is stranded on Earth with super power. He disguises as Clark Kent, a journalist in Daily Planet. He wears glasses made of Kryptonite to hide his Superman identity. On the other hand, Batman is Bruce Wayne, a bussinessman and also the owner of Wayne Enterprise. His parents were killed when he was a child. He has a loyal butler, named Alfred. He got his technologies from his fellow bussinesman, Lucius Fox. He's a closed person, because he dosn't want people that he cares

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