Compare And Contrast Sedentary Lifestyles And Obesity

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Sedentary Lifestyles and Obesity
Josh is 11 years old. He loves to play video games when he gets home from school. He is a very intelligent young man so he finishes his homework quickly so he can get on the computer to play his new game his mother bought him. He plays it hours on end sitting on his bean bag chair. Dinner time arrives and his mother asks if he is hungry? He says yes. She goes out and gets him a combo meal from the Burger King down the road because the she doesn’t really cook at home often. Josh was too hungry to wait for his mom to bring food so he went and poured himself some soda and grabbed one of the bags of chips in the pantry. He ate almost the whole bag in one sitting as he received his fast food combo meal. After 9 hours straight of sitting and playing his video game it was time to go to bed. Josh wakes up for school but realizes he does not feel good, it is hard to breathe and he is sweating profusely. His mom notices he is in almost an …show more content…

It can be a friend or family member struggling with weight issues or chronic diseases caused by obesity. Even more, the wide scale cost of healthcare that has risen because of the treatment of obesity and diseases caused by it. (Callahan, 2013) Even though people believe obesity is caused by genes or pre-disposed health conditions, sedentary lifestyles are what lead to unhealthy weight gain, obesity, and other diseases because a sedentary lifestyle promotes inactivity and poor eating habits and this is combined with a society that no longer realizes when someone is considered overweight. There has to be a multiple tier effort to try and slow this epidemic by promoting a healthier lifestyle through better education, government intervention, employer incentive programs, personal responsibility and ultimately a society that no longer accepts consequences of a sedentary

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