Compare And Contrast Postmodernism And Modernism

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Modernism Modernism looks at the way society has grown, particularly with so-called scientific management. This is where people associated with Frederick Winslow Taylor (popularly referred to as the father of scientific management) tried to break down processes into small parts and then tried in turn to see how productivity could be improved. This school of thought is also sometimes called Fordism since Henry Ford was the best known of the managers who tried to improve production in his firm in a scientific way. He followed previous ideas on the division of labour more thoroughly than most previous managers and managed to satisfy both workers and customers by giving them higher wages and better productivity, respectively. Henry Ford was also interested in the private lives of his employees since he wanted them to be respectable and not to over-indulge in alcohol or tobacco. Postmodernism Postmodernists would suggest that there is no one easy idea which would help us to understand society and even less to eliminate the faults of any one society. Contrast with Marxism Karl Marx …show more content…

They would suggest that social factors, such as class or ethnic group, matter a great deal less than factors over which people are freer to choose. People are able to choose to live with different groups. The town of Brighton in the UK has a large proportion of homosexuals and lesbians, thus they may choose to live in such a town where they feel that the community accepts them, rather than in other more traditional towns. Similarly, it could be argued that the gaps between the classes are less important than age for many purposes. Younger people may well choose to have separate lifestyles rather than conform to those of older generations. Critics of postmodernism would suggest that whilst richer people do have this choice other poorer people are not in a position to make lifestyle

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