Compare And Contrast Pol Pot And The Jewish Holocaust

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Cambodian and Jewish Holocaust From a young age, Hitler had a growing passion for fine arts; however, his did not sit well with his cold and uncaring father. After the death of Hitler’s younger brother in 1900, he began to isolate himself and become reticent (“Adolf Hitler”). Pol Pot moved to Phnom Penh at the age of five to live with his older brother and pursue education. Pol was an undistinguished student. Even so, he still acquired a scholarship to Paris to study radio electronics. In spite of that, he ended up losing it for being far more concerned with politics rather than his studies (“Pol Pot”). In the Cambodian and Jewish holocausts: children were killed, a certain group of people was targeted, and both utilized concentration camps as a mean of controlling the population. Still, there were differences in the responses received internationally and the aftermath of each genocide. Both Adolf Hitler and Pol Pot led massive genocides that were similar, yet varied in a number of ways. Neither Pol Pot nor Adolf Hitler was concerned with the welfare of children. In Night, the author tells of how he saw babies being tossed into a crematory to burn …show more content…

The Nazi party wanted to exterminate Jews in order to secure living space for “pure Germans”. They also felt as if it was because of the Jews that they had lost WWI. The Holocaust left some estimated six million people dead (“The Holocaust”). The Khmer Rouge wanted for Cambodia to become a “communist agrarian utopia.” Primary targets included doctors, teachers, anyone in opposition, and rich people alike. The genocide of Cambodians led by the Khmer Rouge left approximately two million casualties (“The Cambodian”). Although both of these genocides had targeted specific people, many others were also killed. In the Holocaust, homosexuals and gypsies were also killed; in Cambodia, even those thought to be a member or supporter of Khmer Rouge could be done away

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