Compare And Contrast Pearl Harbor And 9/11 Attack

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On December 7, 1941 Fuchikami Tadao a messenger from the White House rushed to the Pearl Harbor military base, to warn them of a possible attack. A few second later the first wave of Japanese planes come through bombing and torpedoing Pearl Harbor. The first raid lasted about 30 minutes. Almost all of the America’s Pacific fleet is in ruins. Arizona is sunk completely, with most of the crew still on board. This was the very first time America had been under attack and it frightened the whole country. A similar attack takes place almost 60 years later. The attack was carried out by Islamic Terrorists, and that fateful September day the American people became all too familiar with the name Osama ben Laden. It all started at 5:45 a.m 19 terrorists hijacked 4 commercial airplanes in Boston, Mass.; New York, NY; and Washington, D.C. At 8:46 a.m 5 hijackers on American flight 11 run into the North World Trade Center Tour. Before this however a flight attendant named Betty Ann alerts american airlines that 5 men have stormed the cockpit, and that they are now all hostages. The American people were not aware however that they were under attack until American Flight 175 hits the south tower at 9:03. At 9:37 …show more content…

Pearl Harbor was an attack on soldiers, and while still human were prepared for an attack. They had warships, and ammunition, while on 9/11 the attack on the twin towers was in New York City and there as a higher count of civilian casualties. Not to mention these attacks took place in two very different time periods. In the 1930’s and 40’s we were on the brink of war, and were just trying to stay neutral. Pearl Harbor was one of the reasons we got involved. 9/11 was a random attack on a normal day, and it wasn’t preventable. Sure we can probably think of some ways it could have been prevented, but post 9/11 they did not have very high security in

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