Compare And Contrast Nu Kung And Izanami

1532 Words4 Pages

Lesly Marroquin
ASST 104 Fall 2015
Essay 2

One main purpose of mythology is to provide explanation and origin to natural phenomenon. This function served to explain unknown concepts considering the lack of technology and scientific reasoning. This function also provided significance to the phenomenon because it connects anomalies to important divine beings from specific traditions. The myths, Nu Kua Marries Her Brother and Izanagi and Izanami focus on explaining creation achieved by celestial beings from ancient Chinese and Japanese traditions. Nu Kua Marries Her Brother focuses on explaining the creation of humanity through the marriage of siblings. The myth also presents ideal gender roles, emphasizing Nu Kua’s role as a female divinity. Additionally the ancient Chinese myth demonstrates the significance of the creation and …show more content…

The ancient Chinese and Japanese myths also focus on exploring gender roles, and the pattern between creation and destruction. Even though both mythologies condone incest for the purpose of creation, each myth explains something different. The ancient Chinese myth explains the creation of humanity, while the ancient Japanese myth explains the creation of spirits and the islands of Japan. Looking at the myths’ depictions of gender roles, Izanagi and Izanami had clear demonstrations of gender roles for both genders. Nu Kua Marries Her Brother only focused on Nu Kua’s role. Lastly, when looking at both myths representations of creation and destruction, they are incredibly similar. The mild difference being that Nu Kua Marries Her Brother follows the pattern of having destruction follow creation. In conclusion, both Nu Kua Marries Her Brother and Izanagi and Izanami share similarities in providing explanations of creations, demonstrating clear gender roles, and exploring the pattern between creation and

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